Social impact business
Creating a welcoming world of belonging and connection.
Workplace trainings and workshops
centered on welcome, belonging, and connection to create environments in which individuals and enterprises thrive together.
Custom-designed community-building programs and initiatives tailored to your workplace and organizational needs and goals.
Inspirational keynote presentations to raise spirits and point everyone to the place where we all connect.
Engage JCC's expertise and insight into community building for your organization. Discover the power of prioritizing welcome belonging and connection in your environment through workshops, education, programs, and initiatives. Stand back and watch humans thrive together!
Become a JCC Annual Supporter!
Support community programming
which brings us all together. Receive the weekly newsletter of JCC’s wide variety of programs and events. Enjoy discounts at over 20 local businesses in our ❤️ LOVE ME SOME LOCAL ❤️program.
Become a JCC Annual Supporter!
$60 per person, $110 per couple
*Venmo @JustCreateCommunity
*Check (Payable to Just Create Community, LLC)
Ask about our Business and Featured Business Supporter Levels and Sponsorship opportunities.
In 2003, out of the blue, Cindy Cosenzo had a blinding moment of profound insight in which she saw clearly we are all connected and we belong together, and anything
to the contrary is simply an illusion of the intellect. From that instant, Cindy has known unequivocally when we create things in alignment with welcome, belonging, and connection, humans thrive and things go smoothly.
When we don’t, they don’t.
It’s just that simple.
Within months of that worldview paradigm shift,
Cindy had retired from a successful 20 year career as an international Executive Producer/Producer and Project Manager in the Computer Animation industry and dedicated her career to building community.
Now in it’s 20th year, Just Create Community, LLC is
a social impact business focused on creating
welcoming environments in workplaces and communities. Just Create Community is
a teacher, connector, creator, and amplifier
of everything that brings us together.
One simple BIG mission ...
bring EVERYONE together.
Connect with JCC
Cindy Cosenzo
Just Create Community, LLC
P.O. Box 3293
Hillsboro, OR 97123